1:1 Running & Strength Coaching

Build Endurance

Run Faster

Get Stronger

The Cliffe Athletics System

We take into account your current fitness, running experience, racing goals and lifestyle requirements, to construct a tailored plan just for YOU.

This is easily accessible via your phone and syncs directly with your watch

Personalised Running Plan

Personalised Strength Plan

A personalised strength training plan will be crafted to complement your running goals. Its time to say goodbye to those annoying injuries.

The mobile app allows you to log your training so we can track progress in the gym

We never let any question or concern go unanswered. Not sure about an upcoming workout? Something has come up and you have to swap a session?

Just shoot us a message and we will get back to you ASAP

24/7 communication Availability

Feedback and accountability

Our combination of weekly feedback videos and Bi-weekly 1:1 calls, means that you will always stay on the right track.


  • This coaching is for anyone who is looking to improve their running and strength training, and is fully commited to achieving their fitness goals.

    I put a lot of thought and effort into crafting a personalised plan that is exactly right for you, so my only requirement is that you are ready to put in the work!

  • Once you sign up to either the gold or silver package, you will receive an email that outlines the next steps for onboarding.

    Once this has been complete, we will get started working on your plan right away.

    Once the 14 day trial is complete, you can choose to cancel the plan if you feel it isn’t the right fit.

    Otherwise if you are happy with our services, then your card will be automatically charged and we will continue our training together!

  • Both the running and strength plan will be delivered to you via a mobile app.

    The running plan also syncs directly with your gps watch. This means you can start the structured workout from your watch and get all of the pace, HR and duration alerts that have been set.

    The strength plan’s app has video demonstrations and a very simple to use weight logging system so we can optimise progression.

  • As a small business, our focus at Cliffe Athletics is providing a truly 1:1 experience for our clients.

    We will be with you every step of the way and actually make as many changes to your plan as necessary to make sure that it is sustainable and improving you running performance without burnout or injury.

    We don’t just set you a generic plan and leave you to it, we are constantly improving and working with you to achieve your goals.

Meet your Coach


Melbourne, Australia

Hey, I just thought I would introduce myself since we will be hopefully be working together 1:1.

I am an Athletics Australia Qualified running coach who is not only obsessed with the sport of Running, but is also obsessed with getting the best results possible for my clients

My main focus with Cliffe Athletics is to improve your running performance whilst building up your strength in the gym so you can feel stronger and healthier.

Having run fast half marathons and 10km races as well as recently completing a 100km ultramarathon, I will draw on my years of running experience to provide you with all of the tools necessary to help you reach your dream goals.

My coaching philosophy is to be as encouraging and understanding as possible so you feel motivated to complete the training.

I strive to provide you with a sustainable plan that is actually going to work for you and get you the results you have always wanted whilst enjoying it along the way.

Thanks for showing interest in Cliffe Athletics, and I hope to one day have you on the team!